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Home | Conference LinuxAlt 2013 is looking for lecturers and topics

Conference LinuxAlt 2013 is looking for lecturers and topics

The execution team of the Linux in Brno group would like to inform that, together with our partners, we are preparing the 8th iteration of the Brno (not only) Linux Conference that will take place on the first November weekend – 2nd and 3rd November 2013.

Therefore, we are announcing a Call for Papers (a search for lecturers and topics). If you believe, you can contribute something that will be of interest to other Linux and OSS users, you are the person we are looking for! Fill in the form. We promise the atmosphere of attractive premises of FIT VUT in Brno, meeting many interesting people and additional improvement based on feedback from previous years.

The focus of the conference a.k.a. the official part

If you have experience in any of the areas, where open-source software or hardware can be utilized, you are certainly welcomed. Lectures should mainly be interactive and full of demonstrations of specific techniques.

This year, we would like to see bigger representation of lectures about interesting hardware. Whether we speak about traditional projects using disks such as Arduino or Raspberry Pi or other less known open source activities – ColorHug, GNU radio…

We offer several topics for your inspiration. However, these are not the only possible topics, feel free to offer some of your own!

  1. Digital photography: cataloguing, corrections, printing
  2. Sound and video: multimedia centers, recording, conversions, playing effects, streaming, authoring and others
  3. Graphics: vector or bitmap graphics, interesting editors and effects
  4. Mobile technologies: do you know of any interesting mobile linux systems or applications?
  5. Programming: IDE under Linux, modern technology, modern IPC
  6. Office on Linux: communication with others, managing agenda, forms, electronic signature
  7. Data security: decoding, backing up, management of versions
  8. Linux solutions in practice: experience with practical implementation, interesting applications
  9. Open formats and protocols: what are they, what can they do and why is it good to use them
  10. Open hardware: possible and impossible devices that can be connected to Linux, were developed on or contain Linux
  11. Not only Linux keeps us alive – what is happening in the world of BSD or other interesting operating systems

Call for Papers (a search for lecturers)


In case you are interested in presenting at the LinuxAlt conference, fill in the form and offer a topic.

Length of presentations

Presentations will take place in one-hour-long blocks (50 minutes lecture, 10 minutes break), the block can be divided into two 25-minute-long lectures with related topics or connect two blocks which will result in 100 minutes. Please include a few minutes for questions into your lecture time.

Records from lectures

During the conference, we will take audio-visual record which will be available for download from the internet. The whole event will be stored on a DVD with its own ISBN which will contain records from the lectures and other materials that the lecturers will provide. We reserve the right to publish materials and records from the lectures under a free license. Preferred presentation data formats are odf and pdf, it is also appropriate to publish possible source document (e.g. TeX).


1st September 2013 Deadline for delivering lecturers’ applications.
29th September 2013 End of public voting about lectures
13th October 2013 Publishing of the conference agenda
27th October 2013 Deadline for delivering texts for the compilation and complete materials for lectures
2nd and 3rd November 2013 Conference

For further information, visit web pages or send a question to an email address:

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